Forced to cancel the Miss Guyana Teen Scholarship Pageant (MGTSP) owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Imperial House has announced the launch of what it calls a digital university for this year’s participants.
The MGTSP had been expected to commence in June and end with the coronation on September 12. But the organization said in a press release that recognizing the impact the novel coronavirus is having on Guyana and the world at large, it took responsibility to contribute to flattening the curve through the cancellation of the second pageant, which made its debut last year, thereby protecting this year’s candidates.
“In keeping with our mandate to educate and empower our nation’s youth,” the Imperial House said in its release, it “decided to rework the 2020 Miss Guyana Teen Scholarship Programme into a digital university for qualifying young women. Successful candidates of the 2020 programme will receive 15 online sessions in three modules: On self-awareness and value, Professionalism and Etiquette, and Human Rights and Social Development.