Daily Archive: Sunday, May 24, 2020

Articles published on Sunday, May 24, 2020

Junior Hercules 

Course focusses on winning mindset

Guyana Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF) Head-coach Junior Hercules has said that the ongoing World Association of Basketball Coaches (WABC) Online Clinic Course focuses on creating a winning mindset for seasoned coaches aiming to compete at the professional levels.

Andre Seepersaud is looking to represent Guyana at the Regional under-19 tournament.

Seepersaud targets U19 spot

Former Guyana Under-17 vice-captain, Andre Seepersaud is working relentlessly towards securing a spot in the Guyana side for the Regional Under-19 tournament, tentatively set for later this year.

Ann Greene

Providing care amid the pandemic

A child alone with an alcoholic parent, a ‘little old lady’ who just wanted something to eat and pensioner who wanted assistance in accessing her diabetes medication were among the over 200 calls received by the Child Care and Protection Agency (CC&PA) for the month of April.

Lewis Carroll

An enduring tale

The Mouse’s Tale                                                      “Fury said to a mouse         that he met in the     house, ‘let us both go to law    I will prosecute you – Come I’ll                                        take no denial:                                     We must have                                 a trial; For        really this   morning I’ve nothing to do.’  Said the mouse     to the cur,       ‘such a trial, dear Sir, with    no jury or judge would        be wasting our breath.’         ‘I’ll be        judge, I’ll be jury,’ Said cunning    old Fury,       ‘I’ll try the whole      cause, and condemn          you   to     death.’”  – Lewis Carroll    Last week we explored the way literature can employ techniques of the fantastic and enter the realm of child’s play as a way of making serious commentary and judgment on the real world.

The Rupununi and Covid-19

The south of Guyana is particularly vulnerable to the spread of the coronavirus, not just because of the regular traffic from Georgetown, but also because it is wide open to traffic from Brazil.

Independence Day at Westminster Abbey

Dear Editor, While all Guyana watched twenty-year-old, Second Lieutenant (2Lt) Desmond Roberts of the Guyana Defence Force raise the Golden Arrow Head at the historic flag raising ceremony ushering in Guyana’s Independence fifty-four years ago on May 26, 1966, at the National Park in Georgetown, Guyana, not many people knew that twenty-year-old, Officer Cadet Fairbairn Liverpool, of the Guyana Defence Force had a similar distinction of carrying the Golden Arrow Head down the Aisle at Westminster Abbey and present it from the altar to the diaspora in London, England to a fanfare of trumpets on the same day.

The Hinterland

I have to declare that in the midst of all the high-tech life we’re enmeshed in these days, right in the very heart of it, like sitting in an airport lounge in North America recently, my mind, seemingly on its own, will take charge of me, like a tap on the shoulder, and send me back to some crystal clear memory (I’ve mentioned some of them before) that  ends up slowing me for a few minutes, literally not moving, reliving what once was, photographs of life in some reservoir somewhere, some of them very old, but all of them crystal clear and sometimes suggesting music.