Dear Editor,
It is very scary to hear the Private Sector Commission suggesting that returning Guyanese should be home quarantined. Apparently they are not quite au fait with Guyanese or their way of life. Guyanese aren’t staying home presently, even though the COVID-19 is increasing in Guyana.
Many houses in Guyana are overcrowded so which part exactly will these returning Guyanese be quarantined?
Every day Guyanese are carelessly going about their daily lives without giving a second thought about the dangers they are putting themselves in and others. Around where I reside, every day you could see parents taking their small children/babies for a stroll, going to shop, liming and even playing without proper protections. People are ganging up to discuss politics and this virus. Minibuses are still forcing people to sit four and three in seats, whilst the police are allowing them to pass without stopping them because they are known to one another somehow.
If people follow the guidelines, I am quite sure Guyana would not be so severely hit, but as I mentioned before, Guyanese have a tendency to take things for granted. This pandemic is spreading and it is seeping into Guyana via various means and I for one will never allow anyone in or out of Guyana unless we have a better solution to combat this Coronavirus. We cannot depend on this administration because their interest lies elsewhere.
Whilst they are busy announcing how many are getting infected, died and cured, they are not properly investigating how these people are really getting infected. Is it by sharing things, touching etc? Are they retracing the footsteps of the infected and seeing how many others were in contact with them? At present many are not relying on Government for protection, and bringing in people from infected countries and loosing them home is absolutely ridiculous!
Yours faithfully,
Sahadeo Bates