(Trinidad Express) Dionne Ligoure, head of corporate communications at State-owned Caribbean Airlines, is under public scrutiny for a Facebook post in which she accused the United National Congress (UNC) of trying to “mash” her up in 2010 “for being black with a working brain”.
The original post has since been deleted but a screenshot of it is still being circulated.
“Is de UNC I hear talking about discrimination? lol…doh start mih. Cause the UNC try to mash me up in 2010 for being black with a working brain,” Ligoure’s post stated.
“So UNC…rest mih with allyuh hypocrisy…please, please doh start mih. Cause it will be unpretty when I start to pelt out facts and quote some of yuh high-ranking officials,” she wrote.
Contacted yesterday, Ligoure declined comment on the issue.
CAL chief executive officer Garvin Madera did not answer calls.
The post drew criticism, with one Facebook user pointing out:
“Her comments were very disturbing, unprofessional and not in keeping with the vision and mission of the organisation she represents. As head of communications she has breached a key tenet of the code of conduct of a communications advisor/manager/specialist that requires personnel in such positions to make consistent, responsible, ethical and legal choices in all of their communications.”
Another noted: “I think the outburst is regrettable and unprofessional, but in 2010, she and many others were hounded out of positions which they had obtained on merit in a fair and transparent manner. Everyone of these matters needs to be investigated and the findings made public.”
According to her Linkedin professional profile, from May 2007 to May 2010, Ligoure held the position of commercial attaché at the Trinidad and Tobago High Commission in London.
She was appointed CAL’s head of corporate communications from May 1, 2015.
Contacted yesterday, UNC MP Dr Roodal Moonilal said he saw Ligoure’s post and found it unprofessional.
He called on CAL chairman Shameer Ronnie Mohammed to immediately fire Ligoure.