Local cherry juice manufacturer Fitzroy Fletcher wants to see the West Indian cherry, known globally as Acerola, featuring far more prominently in the food consumption profile of Guyanese given the fact that it remains one of nature’s richest sources of Vitamin C, possessing twenty times that of the orange.
In a recent interview with the Stabroek Business, Fletcher, the proprietor of the Essequibo-based Adventure Manufacturing Company, which manufactures and markets cherry juice locally, says that cherry juice consumption is “very much in keeping” with the guidelines set out by the Ministry of Public Health for promoting good health.
The Acerola cherry, commonly called the West Indian cherry or the Barbados cherry and which is native to the tropical regions of the Western Hemisphere has historically been popular in Guyana, both as a fruit to be consumed directly or as a source from which juice can be extracted and sold. The acerola cherry has also been used in home remedies and as a vitamin c supplement.