Daily Archive: Monday, June 15, 2020

Articles published on Monday, June 15, 2020

Reverend Dr David Durant (left) leading the congregation at Restoration Ministries as physical distancing protocols were put in place. (Picture by Jameel Springer.)

Caution as Barbados churches reopen

(Barbados Nation) More churches reopened their doors to the public on June 14 under COVID-19 protocols, with some leaders calling for half-hour more than the 60-minute limit for services.    At Ellerton Wesleyan Holiness Church in St George, senior pastor Livingston Trotman said based on the square footage of the sanctuary, they could accommodate about 75 members, but only 40 turned up yesterday, up from 33 the previous week, while they continued to stream the services.

(RAZOR SHARP! Lennox `Two Sharp) Allen said the WBA stripped him of his Gold world title behind his back.

`A blessing in disguise’

Being stripped of the World Boxing Association (WBA) super middleweight Gold World Title was mind boggling but perhaps it was a blessing in disguise according to Lennox ‘Too Sharp’ Allen.

Supporters from APNU+AFC outside of the District Four Returning Officer’s office during the controversy

The rigged District Four declaration of March 5th

With hundreds of Statements of Poll for District Four still to be verified, Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo mounted the second floor of the Ashmins building on March 5th and shouted out fake numbers to the horror of party agents, plunging the March 2nd elections into months of crisis which still remains to be resolved up to today.

Fresh elections would be death-knell for elections in Guyana

Dear Editor, I am vain enough to think that GECOM was convinced by my argument that a particular (statistical)  standard of proof would be required for the results of the recount to have been put aside because of “anomalies and discrepancies”, in favour of some other results for the final declaration of the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections.

Body found at Meten-Meer-Zorg identified

The partially decomposed body of a man who was discovered by residents of Meten-Meer-Zorg floating in a trench, was yesterday morning identified as Andy Williams, 46 years, a construction worker, formerly of Lot 136 Zeeburg, West Coast Demerara.

Mr Lowenfield’s report

One by one the masks are coming off. First, it was the District Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo who tried to fix the election in favour of APNU+AFC by casting aside Statements of Poll and inflating and deflating figures according to his whims.