Free resources for Caribbean students taking Grade Six Assessment

Dear Editor,

The lockdown and other measures to address COVID-19 have resulted is an ongoing struggle for students who are preparing for the Secondary Schools Exam/National Grade Six Assessment. Students lacking Internet access are at a greater disadvantage without the online resources made available by various Ministries of Education and other stakeholders. Families, teachers and their trade unions are stridently objecting to students writing the exam as scheduled – July to October – because of lack of preparation, fears for the safety of students and teachers, difficulty of accessing transportation to and from school and other related issues as well as the attendant mental health fallout.

In response to this situation, a team of students and teachers from various U.S. universities have partnered with The Caribbean Voice (TCV) to provide much-needed access to free study materials in preparation for the exam. The team, known as the Caribbean Education Project (CEP), has published learning resources accessible via an online platform. CEP is distributing printed copies of these resources, implementing novel file-sharing solutions to communities lacking internet access and providing live support through Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp to those requiring additional assistance.

CEP/TCV are looking for local contacts to advise on the best means of developing and distributing the resources and to assist in making the resources as widely available as possible. Also CEP/TCV are seeking businesses willing to provide free or low-cost printing and distribution of the printed materials to students in need of them. Please contact CEP or TCV if you can help on any of these fronts.

Meanwhile schools and teachers are urged to access and use the materials to help their students prepare for the exam. Ministries of education across the region are invited to utilize the resources to supplement what is currently being offered as well as suggest any changes to maximize the impact of the resources.

For more information, or to become a local partner, please reach out to CEP’s Shawn Shivdat via Facebook Messenger or +14044069638 via WhatsApp or to TCV via email to or Annan Boodram on Facebook Messenger of 646-461-0574 on What’sApp.  For access to the free examination preparation materials, please visit

Yours faithfully,

Annan Boodram