MMA/ADA boosting water supply for West Berbice rice farmers

An excavator on a pontoon working to clear the Barrow trench (DPI photo)
An excavator on a pontoon working to clear the Barrow trench (DPI photo)

The Mahaica-Mahaicony-Abary-Agricultural Development Authority (MMA/ ADA) is clearing canals, among other interventions, to ensure that farmers on the West Coast of Berbice have access to adequate irrigation water for the autumn crop, according to the Department of Public Information (DPI).

DPI reported on Friday that Drainage and Irrigation Manager Mahendranauth Ramjit has said that at present the MMA/ADA conservancy has dropped to its lowest in five years. With June almost over, it is believed that the rainfall is insufficient to recharge the conservancy.

With this in mind, the MMA/ADA has embarked on several interventions to mitigate any shortfall in irrigation water, DPI reported.

Ramjit said one of the key interventions is the clearing of the ‘Barrow channel’ – at the Mahaicony end of the conservancy – of weed and shrubs, to allow a proper flow of water. “We embarked on a project – with a pontoon and an excavator – to clear the Barrow trench so that water could move freely into the main canal,” he explained.

Apart from clearing the clogged ‘Barrow channel,’ MMA/ADA is also ensuring that all secondary drainage and irrigation channels are kept clear.  Currently, repairs are ongoing at affected areas to reduce wastage and to ensure that access for farmers to their rice fields is not impeded.

The report said that Ramjit reminded that during last month, the MMA/ADA was successful at rehabilitating 12 miles of channels, grading and shaping the primary accesses and maintaining sluices. Come next month the effort of works will accelerate.

The current project which cost over $3 million is expected to be concluded in a few days.

Meanwhile, the MMA/ADA is reminding farmers to visit the office at 8am to 12 noon Monday to Friday to make payments on their outstanding drainage and irrIgation and land rental charges.