Lands being transferred to buyers to secure funds for GuySuCo – NICIL

With the government’s move to transfer at least 10 properties to private companies earlier this month coming under scrutiny, the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) yesterday said that it was simply finalising the sale of some of GuySuCo’s assets to help assist the cash-strapped corporation.

Orders for the transfer of the properties, made on June 11th, 2020 and signed off by de facto Minister of Finance Winston Jordan, are for large swathes of land on the East Coast of Demerara and the Demerara River Bank.

According to the documents, seen by Stabroek News, the purchasers are Premier Sales Inc.; American Marine and Services Inc.; the Chinese-owned Bosai Minerals Group Incorporated; Cardiology Services Inc.; Trinuyana Investments Inc.; Navigant Builders Inc.; and Caribbean Marketing Enterprise Inc (CMEI).