BAMN? A likely PNC scenario? Please, no!

– Another long-lasting generational wedge?

As one with a little hands-on knowledge – (not “expertise?”) – of elections campaigns and the more propagandistic variety of public relations; as one who discerns the effectiveness of successful public mischief and misinformation, I’m still given to admiring the abilities of those survivalist political losers to deceive such a significant portion of their followers and believers. Pure devilish class!

By the above I simply mean that room could be spared to admire the professional expertise of the People’s National Congress (PNC) leaders, other activists, tribalists and loyalist–surrogates in successfully planting in the innocents’ minds, specific required messages about the outcome of the March elections. If those techniques and objectives were not so destructive, so evil!

Diaspora surrogates, local academics and “intellectuals”, opportunistic Young Turks and even a jaded Nagamootoo have manufactured “impasses and crises” and created dissension. Successfully. As I’ve recorded since early 2019, they demand victory by any means necessary! To hell with peace.

But I won’t repeat here what our beleaguered populace has been battered with for weeks: the refusal to concede; the recourse to rancour and litigation; the dire consequences when even law related to a Pandemic are misused. No. I share cautiously a fear planted in my feeble mind by a blogger who supported PPP Candidate Tony Vieira who deftly showed V.P. Moses to be somewhat hypocritical.

Emergencies for His Excellency?

I’m just also somewhat certain (?) that I heard His Excellency mention a “State of Emergency” some weeks ago, when speculating about accessing diminishing funds. Am, I accurate?

What I’m more certain about is a wicked planted Facebook post wherein supposedly PNC sympathisers described some scenario where PPP-friendly types were allegedly plotting to undermine and “take over State institutions.” What frightening imaginations! Could this be a creative backdrop, a pre-emptive reason to “preserve the country’s peace.” And the perpetuation of a political status quo? Desperate rulers do desperate things against scenes already set.

So this commentator was of the view that His Excellency would never concede. His Excellency craves his 10-year Decade of Development tenure to 2029. To hell with the will of the March 2020 majority! This gentleman creatively created a scenario whereby some groups – real or fake PPP “supporters” – will constantly stage protests, disregarding Minister-Chairman’s 1945 COVID restrictions, causing His Excellency’s forces to “quell civil upheavals.”

Next step according to the concerned contributor? His Excellency – our Constitution’s “Supreme Executive Authority” – proclaims a national State of Emergency. Rights suspended, Police more empowered, no gatherings whatsoever. No elections. His Excellency rules on merrily.

Nonsensical the above? Unnecessary because of this weekend’s actions of His Excellency’s GECOM foursome? Remember A A Fenty all last year: “PNC stays on by any/all means necessary (BAMN). All available. Whither Guyana?


Please! Give God a darn break!

I’m told that a letter-writer to the Guyana Times beat me to this issue.

Now I’m very fond of the wisdom embedded in our creole, folkloric sayings. A favourite is “God doan wear pyjamas.” Meaning that the Creator/God is always awake. And awake and wise to the ways of lots of daily provocations. But I’m near infuriated witnessing numerous real and phony “PNC Christians” invoking the name of the Almighty to assist His Excellency to continue his post-March reign.

Even though His Excellency kneels in prayer a lot in churches, that doesn’t mean that God will assist electoral thievery. (Y’all have a better chance in our local Court of Appeal.) Leave God alone! He’s no earthly Judge backing His Excellency or any local political party. If not the courts, try the devil, comrades.


His Excellency’s long lasting wedge

I’m not blessed with the intellectual capacities for in-depth, academic-based analyses. I can’t keep up with daily opinion pieces in the press.

But this I know – this I swear. The aftermath of the December 2018 parliamentary defeat, by way of a successful No Confidence Vote, which saw eventual delayed elections last March, has generated a renewed deep schism, an almost-eternal race-based socio-political wedge between major groups of our populace. I suspect His Excellency cares not as Power is the Prize.

For years I debated with PNC comrades as well as various other concerned committed Guyanese that we were not as racially polarized as many would claim consistently. Sure, thousands had/have their preferences for “their own” – those within respective socio-political, cultural, ethnic, even religious groupies. Racial pride and preference alone is not at all racism.  And yes election cycles are periods when some politicians subtly – and openly – exploit racial “differences.” But normally Guyanese work, play, eat, celebrate, worship and mourn together. No Burundi, Northern Ireland, Iraq or Sri Lanka here.

Frankly Speaking, whenever deep-seated cleavages raise their head here, I counsel “peaceful co-existence” until harmony, even love is nurtured.

However my view today, based on both quiet and open sensitive remarks being made by young Indo-Guyanese and even silent first-people voters, is that His Excellency’s and his ERC’s “social cohesion” will be a long-lasting pipe-dream.

Surrogate Officer Lowenfield’s theft of people’s will now leave a new generation divided. His Excellency’s relentless and brutish journey to remain our Ruler leaves many healthy relationships destroyed, young voters lastingly embittered and usual trust shattered. Yes I finally accept that our society will be long divided by His Excellency’s power grab. What a sordid legacy! More than half forever against you!


Consider, please ponder …

●  1) Should I admire First Vice-President Moses’ ’busing of the Americans? He’s not returning to Ohio or Iowa for the wonderful medical care he boasted about many months ago?

●  2) Congrats though rare from me, to Clement Rohee for an excellent put-down of his former Comrade, Moses.

●  3) Nineteen (19) attorneys were involved in this week’s CCJ Guyana Election matter. All praise to the PNC yeh…

●  4) Enumerate the five (5) results/reports of the March 2 elections produced by GECOM so far.

●  5)  “Absolute” and “valid”  – two words used to hold a nation hostage!

‘Til next week!
