COVID-19 no barrier to the growth plans of Marcia’s Products

Marcia in the process of extracting cassava juice with a matapee

Marcia Gonsalves-Kwang refuses to sit and watch what, up until now, has been a rewarding agro-processing enterprise become just one of a swathe of once promising ventures to fall victim to COVID-19. The impact is hurting but that, she says, is assuaged by the conviction that she is in business ‘for the long haul.’

For now, though, Marcia’s Products, her trading name, is being buffeted by the gale force winds of the rampaging virus and she says so bluntly. Orders for the Casareep, Cassava Bread, Coconut Oil,  Farine and Tapioca, products on which she has, these past eight years, staked the reputation of her enterprise, have slowed considerably. The upshot of this is that the new electric mill, fridge and generator, acquisitions that had been contemplated as part of her growth projections, have had to be put ‘on hold.’

Marcia’s Products was launched in 2012.