Labour dep’t probing fatal building collapse

The Department of Labour of the Ministry of Social Protection is investigating the recent collapse of a Banks DIH building at Industrial Site, Ruimveldt, which claimed the lives of two demolition workers.

Jagmohan Bissessar, 61, of La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, and Anthony Lowe, 27, of Second Street, Mocha Arcadia, East Bank Demerara, were part of the crew hired to remove the building. Three other workers suffered minor injuries after the collapse, which occurred on July 8th.

An official at the Labour Department confirmed that a probe was ongoing but would not release any further details. However, Motiram Jagmohan, the son of Bissessar, told this newspaper that his family has received $200,000 from his father’s employers to assist with funeral arrangements. He said the Labour Department was arranging a meeting with Dwayne Ferdinand, the managing head of Home Designs and Engineering Asso-ciates, the company with which his father was employed.

Bissessar died on the day of the accident, while Lowe remained hospitalised in a critical state up to Thursday, when he died.