Gun-toting robber bites rings off woman’s hands

Mclennan’s bruised finger where her ring was bitten off
Mclennan’s bruised finger where her ring was bitten off

A 67-year-old West Ruimveldt woman was yesterday held at gunpoint while her assailant bit her wedding band off of her finger and relieved her of her other gold jewellery she was wearing at the time before making his escape.

According to Gillian Mclennan, who resides at Lot 413 West Ruimveldt, she was standing in front of her gate baiting a fish hook at 2:35pm with the intention of going fishing across the street when a man who seemed in his early thirties pulled up on a bicycle and pointed a gun at her waist and instructed that she not raise an alarm while demanding that she hand everything over to him.

“The first thing he did was pull off a band off my hand, then he bit off my wedding ring, then he searched my pocket for money and then he lifted up my other hand and bit that ring off of my finger too. He went back on his bike and when I get up back because I had stooped down, and when I get up back, he returned back and told me to take off my ear rings off my ears,” the traumatized woman recalled. She added that after she was too slow to take her ear rings off, the man took them off himself. He also robbed her of the two hundred dollars she had in her pocket.

Her fingers now bear bruises that were left by the man’s teeth.

At the time of the incident she was home alone. Her neighbours that live on both sides of her house were not home at the time.

Following the robbery, Mclennan made a report at the East Ruimveldt Police Outpost before going to the hospital to have a medical checkup done.

“I was thinking, let him take the stuff than take my life. At my age I don’t know what will happen if I got a bullet….,” Mclennan said.

The woman noted that there are cameras within the vicinity of where the robbery took place and is expecting the police to look into it when she returns to drop off her medical report today.