Islington jeweller injured after jumping from verandah to escape bandits 

An Islington jeweller is now nursing two broken legs after he jumped about eight feet from his verandah to escape from two armed bandits who attempted to invade his premises on Friday morning.

His wife, Ramona Hussain, 52, who operates a jewellery business in the New Amsterdam Market, and of Islington Public Road, East Bank Berbice, in an interview with Stabroek News, explained, that on Friday around 7 am, her husband, Zainool Hussain, 54, ventured downstairs to feed their cats when the two armed men attacked him. 

According to her, one of the masked bandits was armed with a gun while the other was armed with a long knife. “He started to scream but they gun butt him to stop and ask him for money so he told them the money upstairs but when I heard he screamed I peeped out and ran to lock the door so when they lead him up the stairs the door was locked”.

She said, the bandits then ordered her husband to tell her to open the door, “But while he telling me, he make a dash and jump from the verandah to the ground”. 

She said that at that point residents began noticing. “Neighbours came out and call the police and the police come fast, they took like five minutes to come, but after they (bandits) noticed people coming out they get away”. 

Hussain yesterday said that her husband is in a lot of pain and that they are still traumatized over the entire incident. 

She said that was the first time persons made an attempt to rob them at home but that they have been burgled at the stall in the market about three times in the past. 

According to information gathered, the police have since arrested two suspects and have returned to the scene to obtain detailed statements from the couple.