The Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) will field the first parliamentary representative for the seat awarded to its joint list with those of The New Movement (TNM) and A New and United Guyana (ANUG) after the March 2nd elections although the amount of time each party will serve during the 12th Parliament is still being worked out.
Representatives of the three parties last evening told a press conference that if they were to go according to votes received, it would mean the LJP would be serving in Parliament for 2 years and 5 months, ANUG for 2 years and 4 months, and TNM for 80 days.
However, they were all quick to point out that while they have individual party policies and the lists joinder agreement they signed in February will guide their representative on voting in the House and in the Committee of Supply, they already know that they all want constitutional reform and will lobby for this.