AFC member Imran Khan ordered to vacate gov’t residence

Imran Khan

Imran Khan, who served as the Director of Public Information in the APNU+AFC government has been asked to give up his occupancy at Echilibar Villas, a government-owned property located at Stone Avenue, Campbellville, in Georgetown.

Khan, a member of the AFC arm of the coalition government, served in the Prime Minister’s Office and headed the Department of Public Information prior to the declaration of the March 2 elections results on Sunday last.  In a Facebook post, Khan posted the correspondence sent to him by Roxanne Barratt, Principal Assistant Secretary to the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Presidency, on August 5.

“Tammy Khan and I need a place to sleep tonight. Please message if you have a spare room available,” Khan said above the post.

According to the letter, Khan was told that he needed to vacate the government-allocated residence to facilitate occupancy by newly elected government officials.