Keavon Bess, President of the bodybuilding federation has endorsed the new Minister of Sport, Charles Ramson Jr., and has called on him to do some heavy lifting.
They include swiftly implementing the long awaited Sports Policy and properly supporting associations financially.
Speaking with Stabroek Sports virtually yesterday, Bess highlighted the fact that Ramson Jr., has been an active participant within the sports fraternity and should have a great “understanding of the plight that sports persons face in Guyana.”

“It is important that we remember the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports is 36-years-old. He is more than less a youth. And he should bring an understanding of the developing sporting culture in Guyana and around the world,” said Bess.
The Attorney-at-Law continued: “He should bring an appreciation and the understanding of the plight that sports persons face in Guyana. That appreciation should come since he plays a lot of sports. I had the fortune of playing cricket with him as a member of the Bar and he also plays basketball.
“He is known in the sports fraternity and he has attended bodybuilding competitions, so he knows the plight that sports fraternities face and he can appreciate the needs of the sports fraternities in Guyana. So it is important for us to remember that he is young and sports oriented,” Bess added.
Bess stressed that he is certain that the Minister of Sport has heard the cries and complaints of sports associations prior to 2015 and to present.
“It’s about time we see a more hands on approach and a more solution finding policies coming from the Ministry and the Sports Commission,” he declared.
Sports Policy
Bess then highlighted the importance of the Sports Policy.
“I would most strongly propose that the Sports Policy be properly revised by the sports administrators and the Guyana Olympic Association (GOA) and that it be placed before Parliament as soon as it is completed.
“And when placed before Parliament, it should not be kept in abeyance. The policy should be brought into effect as soon as possible. It is as important as the construction of a medical institution,” he asserted.
“People might underestimate the importance of a Sports Policy, but if you look at the development that sports would have brought to places like Jamaica and Trinidad and so forth, you would inevitably come to the conclusion that without a Sports Policy, those developments and successes would not have occurred. It would not be possible without a Sports Policy” Bess underscored.
Financial Support
Bess also argued that it was time the sports associations/federations get financial assistance from the government and more frequent consultations with the sporting associations/federations.
Said Bess: “I would recommend proper financial support for the different sports association and federations. Of course these sports bodies will have to ensure that they are in full financial compliance with whatever regulations that will be put in place.
“But proper financial support should be expected. It has been long talked about, but in the 21st century, it should become a reality. I would also recommend more frequent consultations with the sporting fraternity between government and these different entities, so that a relationship with the potential to lead to proper sports development could be fostered,” Bess concluded.