Despite repeated appeals by the Regional Health Emergency Committee (RHEC) in Region Seven, residents continue to ignore COVID-19 precautionary measures and guidelines that have been instituted for their protection, resulting in the total number of cases reaching 182, according to Regional Health Officer Dr Edward Sagala.
“Despite repeated advisories by the RHEC regarding the seriousness of COVID-19 in Bartica, and by extension, Region # 7, residents have continued to ignore and remain totally unbothered at this deadly disease. Our health workers, who continue to work beyond the call of duty, are overworked and over stretched, and no doubt, the situation is taking a toll on all of us,” Sagala said in a statement yesterday.
It was revealed that five staff members of the Bartica Regional Hospital have since tested positive for COVID-19 and were placed in isolation at their respective homes. “This development will, no doubt, greatly affect our ability to serve the public, since all of those workers function in critical positions,” he added.
The statement also revealed that there are currently 18 persons in home quarantine, 58 persons in home isolation and 13 persons in institutional isolation.
“Fellow residents, please help us to help you. Please remember to wash and sanitize hands as often as possible, wear a face mask whenever in public, go out only when it’s necessary, practice social distancing, and act responsibly at all times,” the statement concluded.