Following their affiliation with World Archery Americans (WAA), Archery Guyana has been invited to compete in the Online Archery Cup of the Americas.
This was announced yesterday in a release from the local federation. According to the correspondence, Guyana is slated to conduct qualification rounds for the tournament which is expected to attract participants from North, South, and Central America as well as the Caribbean.
The release added, “Archery Guyana is tasked with conducting Qualification rounds, which will be a 600 round. Scores will be recorded electronically, pictures of equipment, scorecards and the target will be sent to the Competitions and Judging Committee via WhatsApp for tabulations and scrutiny.”
Seven participants are scheduled to compete in the qualification round, with the aim of securing the highest possible score from a maximum of 600. They are Wayne DeAbreu and Devon Persaud, who are based in Canada, as well as local competitors Umasankar Madray, Nicholas Hing, Robert Singh, Samira Duncan and Talitha Kissoon.
The release concluded, “Cognizant of the National Covid-19 Protocols in place and abiding with the laws and the social distancing safety rules as to the limit on the number of persons permitted to be in any gatherings, shooting will be done in pairs at different time and dates (23rd and 25th August). Archery Guyana will then submit the scores for Guyana by August 31st to World Archery Americas, which will be tabulated along with scores from all other partaking countries. Top 2 archers in each category will be short listed to take part in an Elimination shoot, set for late September.”