12-year-old Supply accident victim on the mend

Akazea Austin

More than five months after being struck down by a car while crossing the Supply public road, 12-year-old Akazea Austin still has trouble breathing unaided.

According to police, Austin, a student of Diamond Secondary School, exited the school bus that she was travelling in while the bus driver signalled other drivers on the public road to stop so that the girl could cross the road. However, while crossing, Austin was hit from behind by a car, HC 7963, which was heading to Linden. She was rushed to the Diamond Public Hospital in an unconsciousness state and was later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital.

Investigations have shown that the 45-year-old taxi-driver of Linden was speeding and could not stop in time to avoid hitting the child. The driver has since been charged with dangerous driving and released on $100,000 bail.