Stabroek News

Gov’t urges former ministers, others to return any state property in their possession

The Government of Guyana yesterday issued an advisory urging former government ministers among others who might have state property in their possession to return these immediately to the relevant accounting officers.

The advisory said:  “The Government of Guyana is advising all former Ministers of Government, Public Officers and employees of the State, Government, Public Corporations, State Agencies or Statutory Bodies, whose services have been expressly or impliedly terminated and have been sent on administrative leave and have in their possession documents and or properties of the State, Government, Public Corporations, State Agencies or Statutory Bodies, are hereby advised to return those documents and or properties immediately to the accounting officers of the Ministries, Public Corporations, Agencies and or Statutory Bodies where they were previously employ-ed or maybe still employed”.

The advisory comes in the wake of a controversial raid by police on the home of former Director of Sport Christopher Jones in the search for items reportedly belonging to the state.  

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