Dear Editor,
For many years, a newspaper featured a popular article titled “Believe it or Not” by Ripley.
This series came to mind when I read that our most Honourable Collin Croal, Minister of Housing, issued a dictum that persons who paid sums of money to CH&PA should contact the agency to have their deposits uplifted for house lots in areas where there is no infrastructure.
It is clear that this Minister, like others, are not hearing the words of the installed President.
It appears that the Honourable Minister seems satisfied that he can make statements which constitute either shared stupidity or lunacy.
While being Chairman of the CH&PA, the biggest challenge we faced was that the PPP/C Minister, now sitting as President, had allocated house lots in several areas where there were no roads, street lighting, water, drains, etc.
The effort by the new Minister should be to continue the process to provide the infrastructure for those areas where none existed. It must not appear to deny those persons who applied for house lots and were allocated same, in some cases, five, ten, fifteen, twenty years.
One wonders what is the end game of what is obviously a somersault from the PPP policy at housing whilst they were in office for twenty-three years.
At another level, I’ll be urging those persons not to retrieve monies which they deposited in good faith for a house lot or home.
The Minister must cease what seems to be a process of propaganda to demonize and diminish the efforts made by the legitimate, elected Government between 2015 and 2020.
Guyanese deserve much more than to be the victims of politically motivated decisions.
I smell a rat.
Yours faithfully,
Hamilton Green
Former Chairman- CH&PA