The Demerara Harbour Bridge will be closed to marine traffic until further notice. The Harbour Bridge Corporation made this announcement yesterday via their Facebook Page but offered no explanation for the decision.
Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill after a visit to the bridge yesterday, informed that there were mechanical defects at two retractor spans and this will prevent the bridge from retracting to accommodate marine traffic.
General Manager Rawlston Adams told Stabroek News that the bridge was closed to heavy-laden vehicular traffic for several hours yesterday. He noted however, by 2.30pm the remedial works were completed and they were able to accommodate the heavy-laden vehicles.

The Ministry of Public Works yesterday advised users of the Demerara Harbour Bridge, “that due to mechanical issues with the retractor span, heavy vehicular traffic will be restricted for the next few hours.”
Edghill yesterday explained that the current problem at the retractor spans were identified since 2016 and the former ministers who functioned in the APNU+AFC administration were made aware of the crisis. “I was extremely disappointed when I got there to learn that this problem was known since 2016 and it remains unresolved… this declared emergency is a matter that is pending since 2016 it speaks to (a) gross level of mismanagement and incompetence and neglect of Guyana’s physical infrastructure,” Edghill said.
He explained that in correspondence sent to David Patterson and Winston Jordan, former Ministers of Public Infrastructure and Finance respectively, Adams had informed them of the rapid deterioration of spans 9 and 10 and their rollers. He noted that prior to the bridge management implementing the new weight restrictions, the ministers were reminded of the bridge crisis that was identified during a presentation in 2016.
“… the damages that were done to the Demerara Harbour Bridge retractors, spans 9 and 10… five diamond panels were discovered damaged. These broken panels inclusive of the bottom rollers were also found deteriorated beyond repair on both spans and compromise the safety and structural integrity of the spans,” Edghill read from correspondence between Adams and then Minister Patterson.
Edghill explained that there has been rapid deterioration of the spans. As such he has asked Adams to put forward recommendations that will cater for immediate, medium and long term solutions.
Edghill commented that this emergency situation would not have existed if the past administration was able to utilise funds which went to projects that were not deemed to be important. The minister also announced that an independent team will be put together to examine and assess what is going on at Demerara Harbour Bridge to prevent “crises [from occurring] every week.” Effective January 2, the weight for all categories of vehicles crossing the bridge was reduced.The management had said that the weight of all categories would be reduced from 22.5 metric tons to 18 metric tons and the special crossing from 25 to 22 metric tons.