Daily Archive: Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Articles published on Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Todd insists Venezuela not on agenda for Pompeo’s visit

The Guyana Government yesterday dismissed concerns that United States Secretary of State Michael Pompeo’s visit here this week will entail discussions on Venezuela and said that emphasis should be placed on Washington’s assistance in bringing investment opportunities here.  “It is a regional visit and the visit obviously has interests of the US and has mutual benefits for all of the member states involved,” Minister of Foreign Affairs Hugh Todd told the Stabroek News last even-ing when contacted.

CARICOM agrees to ‘travel bubble’

In an effort to revive its travel and tourism sectors which have been battered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) members Heads of Government have agreed to the creation of a Travel Bubble for states that are low- or no-risk for the novel coronavirus.

Gov’t to inject $3B into housing sector

With the injection of $3 billion in the housing sector, the new PPP/C administration intends to provide at least 50,000 house lots to Guyanese during the current five-year term in office and those who are already beneficiaries of the pre-2015 housing initiatives will see improved services in the various communities.

Barbados to become a Republic

(Barbados Nation) Barbados will become a Republic by next year. This announcement was made by Governor General Dame Sandra Mason as she delivered the Throne Speech during the State Opening of Parliament at Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, Two Mile Hill, St Michael yesterday.

Teachers being trained to deliver learning online

The Ministry of Education (MoE) is collaborating with the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the ProFuturo Foundation to provide all teachers with the necessary training needed for them to deliver online learning as the education system grapples with the closure of schools due to COVID-19 concerns. 

Constitutional reform: the budget process

Not for the first time the various requests for information about the reasoning underlying many  decision in the 2020 budget suggest that if there is one aspect of government business that needs to be reformed it is the manner in which budgets are conceived, constructed, examined, passed and monitored by the general public, stakeholders and parliament.

Speaking out

Politicians the world over mistakenly think that they, and they alone, have the sole rights and reserved privileges to expound on matters of national interest.