(Trinidad Guardian) The Ministry of National Security says the Opposition’s failure to support the continuation of the Anti-Gang Act “will have very serious negative effects on the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service’s (TTPS) fight against gangs and criminality.”
In a statement issued yesterday afternoon the ministry said, “The Minister of National Security, the Honourable Stuart R. Young, M.P. asks the population to take note of the Opposition’s refusal to support the continuation of this unique Anti-Gang Act, even though the TTPS said it is necessary and that it will mean the end of on-going investigations and charges against gang members.”
Police Commissioner Gary Griffith has also condemned the decision, saying petty politics was at play.
A vote on the bill in the House of Representatives yesterday ended with 20 in favour – all Government MPs present, none objecting and 19 Opposition MPs abstaining.
The bill required a three-fifths majority of the House, with is 25 MPs.
It now means that the Anti-Gang legislation will no longer be law from November 29, 2020.
The last bill was passed in 2018 with a sunset clause. The bill before Parliament today had a clause stating, “This Act shall continue in force for a period of 30 months from the 29th day of November 2020.”