A meter shakedown at Leonora

Dear Editor,

On Wednesday 25th November, between 9-11 am, contractual workers changing meters for GPL were working in the Leonora Pasture East Housing Scheme. They disconnected a pensioner’s meter, took it to their truck and returned to the 80-year-old woman and informed her that she had paid someone to ‘slow the meter down’ and demanded $50,000 from her or she would be without electricity.

Good luck for her that her daughter visited her and put up a strong rebuttal, citing that the meter seal was intact before they removed it. Curiosity begs my mind to know if the contractor is not paying the staff an adequate salary? Contractual workers have the right to investigate or make claims as to who is thieving electricity?

Get it right GPL or enlighten the consumers of their rights against the vultures!

Yours faithfully,

Sahadeo Bates