Charge against widow over fuel dealer’s murder withdrawn

Milaimi Alli and deceased Ramzan Alli

Milaimi Alli, who was on trial for the 2009 murder of her husband, fuel dealer Ramzan Alli, was yesterday freed of the murder charge.

Milaimi, a mother of five, was before Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Vigil-ance Magistrate’s Court on a charge that in the company of another, between July 11, 2009 and July 12, 2009, at Coldingen, East Coast Demerara, she murdered Ramzan Alli.

Her attorney, Bernard DaSilva, disclosed that the prosecutor withdrew the charge on the advice of the Director of Public Prosecu-tions due to a lack of evidence, protracted delays and the lengthy time it took for the charge to be laid.