Dear Editor,
As the news releases about appointments to State Boards have come out in the past several months, I recognize the presence of some good Guyanese people: clean, conscientious, and coherent in objectives and approaches to doing things right. That’s the good news, and I laud the PPP/C government for those clear-headed selections in a society where the cupboard is almost bare. On the other hand, there are those who reflect something completely different, and what the PPP/C cannot shake, and what perpetuates wrongs in Guyana.
On all these boards, almost without fail, there are those presences that taint the collection of solid sober minds, clean ones. I say this because some of these characters have lengthy associations with the unscrupulous. This is from their personal record, business dealings, and the litany of malfeasances that they encompass. Their very presence on state boards, on any board, sully the good work that could be possible. These corrupt ones always have an ulterior motive (many such), a side deal going on (several simultaneously), and those they carry along wherever they go (nearly everyplace). They can’t help themselves, since acquisition by any means is confirmed addiction; a place must be found to house them to satisfy their lusts, loyalties.
Now, I am appreciative of the PPP’s need to spread the wealth by remembering those faithful in different ways, and the need to reward them. But this is not President Ali’s patrimony to dispense with as he pleases. When His Excellency, Dr. Irfaan Ali, make these selections, he is playing with the people’s prospects, toying with their hopes, compromising his own legitimacy.
Having said these hard things about some heavies, I still struggle with the mere thought that His Excellency, President, Dr. Irfaan Ali, would dabble with, or ever go near, the unscrupulous, the felonious, or the dangerously contagious. I think he has enough champions to make that kind of dirty business take wings. It is why I state without fear of correction that the head of state has named some real headcases and hardcases (think those old Western outlaws) to run amok in the treasuries of the people’s affairs. It does not prophesy well for the future; the oracles are certain on this. And that is not based on any baccoo insight or forays into the spiritual netherworld. On this, the president has been transparent in honouring that specifically related word in his inauguration address. That is, he has openly chosen for the honourable business of the people, some people to serve on boards, who project anything but the honourable, who have no equals in the dishonourable department. Even if the president did not want to be transparent, his choices speak against him.
It does not matter what secular spaces they occupy – legal, technical, or professional – their originals are straight out of Mario Puzo’s Godfather and television’s, The Sopranos. Very few Guyanese should need any introduction to either. This country has much work to do; much more money is going to be spent; and still more sensitive and expensive decisions must be made. I trust that all these people would prove me wrong, and the president right. I could live with that and continue. In contrast, if the feared opposite becomes the reality, and provides hay for the media, then I daresay that the president would not have the same luxury, and live to rue his unwise confidence. I wish all well.
Yours faithfully,
GHK Lall