Standpipe Foundation pays it forward through Tucber development

Children receiving free ice cream
Children receiving free ice cream

Contrary to what its name might suggest, the Standpipe Foundation has nothing to do with pipelines or supplying water. The name of the non-governmental organization (NGO) was derived from the “Standpipe Crew,” a group of friends who decades ago would hang out at a corner in Tucber, in New Amsterdam, Berbice. Some of members of the crew have since migrated and are now giving back to the community through the group, which has a number of projects in the works to benefit the youth and elderly of Tucber.

The NGO was founded during the onset of the pandemic following a conversation among a group of friends who wanted to give back by improving the quality of life for the residents of Tucber as well as helping them to realize their ambitions.

They have since pledged their support to developing their community as well as providing mentorship and scholarships for youth. The executive committee and the local committee consists of Michael Moore, who is president; Kester Darlington, vice-president; Colvin Bacchus, vice-president; Kevin Darlington, treasurer; Omadatt Chandan, secretary; Troy Gomes, assistant secretary/treasurer; Shurwin Forde, local chairman; and Julian Moore, public relations officer.

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Moore, who is also the assistant coach of the Guyana Jaguars, told Stabroek Weekend that since the initiative kicked off, other members of the community have gotten on board to assist in the humanitarian efforts.

The first project was distributing 240 food hampers to families in the community as well as to residents from other neighbouring communities. The Standpipe Foundation periodically cleans the drains and parapets in the village. This cleaning has been extended to the residences of the elderly at no cost and the group is also currently providing landscape maintenance at the homes of six elderly residents.

Moore said the group has even provided plumbing, fixed a fence, and taken apart dilapidated stairs and a verandah and rebuilt them for several elderly persons. Weeding services, he added, are provided on a regular basis for the elderly.

The group has also distributed approximately 400 disposal facemasks and is planning on distributing another batch soon.

Among the other projects was the distribution of 2,000 ice creams and cones to children in the area.

Funding for these projects, Moore pointed out, usually comes from the pockets of the members of the NGO and local as well as overseas-based Tucber residents.

One young man who recently started a chicken business benefitted from a grant from the foundation.

Currently, the NGO is looking to present the children who performed the best at the National Grade Six Assessment and the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate exams with laptops. The two who scored the highest marks in both exams will also receive monetary incentives.

Moore explained that they will also be providing free printing services for school children so that they can easily access the hard copies of their lessons. In addition, the foundation is working on sourcing back-to-school supplies for children and will be distributing these in time to come.

“The feedback has been great,” Moore shared. “A lot of persons like what we are doing. This is the first time in my lifetime that something like this is being done for the community. Residents have been coming on board to volunteer their services or volunteer the finance. It feels great. Apart from helping people, it is more satisfying to know that you’re making an impact on the community you live in, where you grew up and belong to. I think that’s the biggest satisfaction for us, knowing that we can give back and try and improve the lives of residents here.”

Though most of the initiatives are centred on the Tucber community, Moore shared that they hope to extend their services to other communities in New Amsterdam eventually.

Persons wanting to be a part of the Foundation’s humanitarian drive can reach it on its website:; Facebook page: Standpipe Foundation – Helping Hands of Tucber; or via phone: 654-0469 or 615-9239.