Five persons are now patients at the New Amsterdam Hospital following an accident involving five vehicles yesterday morning at Sun Rise, West Coast Berbice.
The five persons hospitalised have been listed as 52-year-old Rebecca Crossman, and relative, Thandie Crossman, 27, of Area ‘D’ Ogle, East Coast Demerara, both of whom suffered fractured hips; Odingo Hercules, 23, of Number 29 Village, West Coast Berbice, who suffered a fractured right foot; 15-year-old President’s College student, Shania Giddings, also of Number 29 Village who fractured her right arm; and Kellon James, 32, who was admitted for observation.

According to a police report, the accident occurred 9.50 am along the Sun Rise Public Road. Investigations have revealed that motor car PLL 5896 owned and driven by police constable #24224 Odingo Hercules at the time of the accident had in his car, fifteen-year-old Giddings as an occupant. Hercules was said to be proceeding east along the northern side of the road at a fast rate behind minibus BYY 2757 which was driven by 29-year-old Delroy Lawrence, and motor car HC 7137 which was driven by Kellon James. He then decided to overtake both vehicles, and in the process of doing so crashed into HB 7137 causing it to hit the rear of minibus BYY 2757. As a result of the impact, PLL 5896 veered into HB 6383 which was driven by 40-year-old Delroy Fraser and PYY 9093 driven by 26-year-old Osricks Reynolds before crashing into a lamp post on the southern parapet.
The accident caused the drivers and passengers of PLL 5896 and HB 7137 to suffer injuries. They were picked up and taken to Fort Wellington Hospital where they were examined by a doctor and transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital where they were admitted. The Crossmans at the time of the accident were passengers of HB 7137. Regional Commander of Region Five, Senior Superintendent, Kurleigh Simon when contacted confirmed that no one has yet been arrested.