Cyclist dies after collision with car at Stewartville

A cyclist is now dead after he collided with a car along Stewartville Public Road on Monday night.

Rajendra Doodnauth, 55, of Uitvlugt Pasture, West Coast Demerara, was struck as he made a sudden turn across the road.

The driver of the car, who was identified as George Douglas, 41, of Section ‘D,’ Nonpareil, East Coast Demerara, was taken into custody by police. He remained in custody up to yesterday.

Police said their enquiries revealed that Douglas was proceeding east along the road in his car at a fast rate when the now deceased man, who was also proceeding in the same direction, made a sudden turn across the road.

As a result of his actions, the police said, Doodnauth hit the front of the car and subsequently fell onto the windscreen and then onto the road surface before being dragged some distance until the driver stopped. 

Doodnauth was subsequently picked up in an unconscious state and taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital, where he was seen by a doctor and later pronounced dead while receiving treatment.

His body was taken to Ezekiel Funeral Home and a post-mortem examination is scheduled.