Singh urges new NIS board to address issues causing delays in processing claims

Dr Ashni Singh

The new National Insurance Scheme (NIS) Board held its first meeting on Monday and Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh urged that it immediately address complaints from contributors about delays in receiving their benefits and entitlements. According to a statement issued by the Finance Ministry, at the meeting, held at the NIS complex, on Carifesta Avenue, Singh registered the government’s “grave concern” about the situation, while noting that incomplete records for contributors at the scheme is sometimes the source.

“…[H]e tasked the Board with addressing this problem immediately, with a view to ensuring that public satisfaction with the level of service provided by the NIS improves urgently,” it added.     

The statement also said Singh told the board of the level of importance his government has placed on NIS, reminding that pensioners and retirees look forward to their pension in a timely manner while current contributors expect to receive their benefits promptly.