Stabroek News

Eureka labs sounds warning about fake COVID results

Eureka Medical Laboratories Inc today warned about COVID-19 test results being faked.

A statement from Eureka Medical Laboratories Inc follows:

The Government of Guyana through the initiative of the Ministry of Health has partnered with the Eureka Medical Laboratories Inc. to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and make traveling safe for everyone. However, amidst all the rush that the Holidays bring, there are some unscrupulous individuals who try to expedite the process of their travel, and do the most objectionable act of faking their COVID-19 test results. We do not condone this.

Eureka Medical Laboratories Inc. has recently received reports of persons who have been falsifying negative COVID-19 results in order to travel. In this regard, EML has since put systems in place to guard against this criminal act. The laboratory has been working closely with airport authorities to ascertain the identities of those who are culpable. Persons are therefore urged to desist from forging COVID-19 results as airport officials will be scrutinizing all medical documents. Eureka wishes to advise the public that the fabrication of results can be detrimental to the health of others, especially in the case of a positive result being translated to negative, which can aid in the unfortunate transmission of the Coronavirus.  Further, please be advised that there are dire consequences for indulging in this illegal act. Eureka Medical Laboratories Inc. continues to safeguard the well-being of the populace.

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