Former Charlestown squatters begin new lives in new homes

Anita Dash’s shop in front of her home

The move to a more spacious and comfortable community took almost four years for some former residents of Lombard and Broad streets, Charlestown, who say they are grateful to have finally settled into their own space.

The former Lombard Street residents were moved to Prospect on the East Bank of Demerara between late 2019 and early 2020. Some 20 families left the location at Broad and Lombard Streets where some had lived for over thirty years. Their living space at the time was cramped as sometimes multiple families lived in tiny houses/apartments there.

The move and construction of the homes came through a collaboration between the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) and Food for the Poor Guyana to the tune of $36 million. Twenty two-bedroom 20 x16 homes were constructed in the Prospect area on the East Bank of Demerara.