15 babies delivered at GPH on New Year’s Day

First Lady Arya Ali presenting a care package to one of the mothers who gave birth on New Year’s Day (DPI photo)

Fifteen babies were born on New Year’s Day at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH).

A report by the Department of Public Information (DPI) stated that First Lady Arya Ali visited the mothers of the babies at the delivery unit of the GPH to congratulate them. While at the hospital, she distributed gifts and thanked the maternity staff for the work they have been doing.

“I must commend you all in this COVID time where we’re all, each and every one of us, battling this pandemic but we’ll make it through. I just want to wish you all a happy, healthy, and a prosperous New Year,” she was quoted as saying.

The first Lady was also accompanied by GPH Chief Executive Officer Brigadier (Ret’d) George Lewis, who expressed the hospital’s gratitude to the First Lady. “Thank you for coming out today. Thank you for sharing the wonderful moments with the mothers who are here and thank you for coming and interacting with the nurses and the other members of staff,” the release added.