Stabroek News

Rain delaying compaction of Tiger Creek bridge approaches

One of the damaged approaches leading to the Completed Tiger Creek Bridge

Although final compaction of the approaches to the Tiger Creek Bridge, in Region Eight, is being delayed by rainy weather, they have started to deteriorate due to vehicular traffic already using the bridge.

A Ministry of Public Works (MoPW) official, who did not want to be named, yesterday explained that the reconstruction of the bridge, which collapsed on November 3rd, 2020 while a heavy duty truck was crossing, is completed.

However, he said that backfilling of the approaches is completed but the final compaction is being hampered as a result of continuous rainfall in the area. Nevertheless, some truck operators have started utilising the bridge, causing further deterioration of the approaches.

The bridge was scheduled to open to vehicular traffic early this year with weight restrictions but as a result of the delay in final compaction this was not done.

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