Drinking my granola

Granola, Banana & Milk for a Shake (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

My eating is erratic. I only eat when I am hungry. Therefore, you would never find me eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner because of time indicated by a clock or a particular time of the day. What I always do though is to ensure that I am nutritionally fed and not simply filled up with empty calories. Empty calories is a term used to describe foods and beverages that are high in sugars, fats, processed oils and alcohol. They provide a lot of energy (calories) but little to no nutrition in terms of vitamins, minerals, fibre etc. One of the ways in which I eat healthy while getting the hit of something playful and snack-like is by making my own granola.

Making your own granola is not only easy, but it costs significantly less than purchasing it. Another plus is that you can control the amount of sweetener used and you can put in as much of your preference to personalize your granola. For the record, I am speaking here of loose granola that’s like a cereal and not granola bars.