Constitutional reform: the culpability of madness

Whether an election has been fraudulent or not cannot be determined by means of persistent bluster, propaganda and definitely not insurrection. What is required is careful analysis and judgement upon the structural and material claims of fraud that are being made.  Both Democratic and Republican state officials have certified the election results in the swing states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – that the United States Democratic party presidential candidate Joe Biden won and President Donald Trump is disputing.  In Georgia and Wisconsin, recounts made no significant difference to the results and in the former the Republican Secretary of State recertified the results after an audited hand recount requested by the Trump campaign. As of 5th January 2021, the day before the elections were to be certified by Congress, President Donald Trump, his lawyers and friends had gone to court, including the US Supreme Court, in six states claiming election fraud and had lost more than 50 cases. At least 96 judges from across the political divide and including some appointed by Trump have rejected his post-election lawsuits (