Daily Archive: Friday, January 15, 2021

Articles published on Friday, January 15, 2021

Patricia Scotland

Commonwealth SG `deeply concerned’ at Venezuela decree

Commonwealth Secretary-General,  Patricia Scotland, QC yesterday said she was  “deeply concerned” by the promulgation of a decree by Venezuela that it has sovereignty over the area adjacent to Guyana’s Essequibo coast, and other recent statements by that country regarding its border controversy with Guyana.  

Vickchand Ramphal

Curfew imposed on Moraikobai

Following an assessment of the COVID-19 situation in Moraikobai, Region Five, by regional and government officials yesterday, a 6 pm to 6 am curfew was imposed on the community which currently has 33 confirmed active COVID-19 cases.

Time was....

Covid 19 crisis: Region heading for ‘staggering’ school dropout rate – UNDP

The possible long-term socio-economic impact of the protracted absence of the majority of the region’s children from school could be sufficient to require countries to rethink their entire education systems by creating linkages between education and other sectors and placing the highest possible priority on the protection of education budgets, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) says in its Latin America and the Caribbean COVID-19  policy document.

Sonya Benn-Jordan in her kitchen

Sonya Benn–Jordan’s Gifted Hands

The Stabroek Business’ ongoing journalistic interventions into the ‘goings on’ in the lives of the proprietors of many of the country’s micro and small businesses continues to reveal that even as the business environment changes some of them are falling back on past pursuits in order to see themselves through the current challenges.

Venezuelans line up to cross into Cúcuta, Colombia

2021 finds Venezuela caught fast in ‘paralysis’, says OAS

What had been, up to late last year, something of a resurgence of Venezuela’s oil exports, due primarily to clandestine shipping arrangements targeting the Chinese markets (and circumventing United States sanctions in the process) has been taking a tumble since early this month, according to  reports from Bloomberg.

Kitco Market Data

Gold Prices for the three day period ending Thursday January 14, 2021 Kitco is a Canadian company that buys and sells precious metals such as gold, copper and silver.

Major advance

If Minister Nigel Dharamlall is remembered for nothing else, his name will find a permanent home in the recollections of future generations for saving City Hall.

My life expectancy: Pity I’ll never…

Please save our, Brigadier’s Park! and these Gorillas! Hello friends – both “regulars” and newcomers to this man-in-the–street column – come share, with me, my brief lamentations, concerns and a few expectations as 2021 gains its two-week momentum.

Mangrove invasion

Dear Editor, Kindly allow me a bit of your precious newspaper space to beg, humbly and respectfully, the relevant powers-that-be, to have a look at the mangrove invasion on the Ogle Atlantic beach.

Stock market updates

GASCI (www.gasci.com/telephone Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 897’s trading results showed consideration of $92,136,819 from 1,134,994 shares traded in 41 transactions as compared to session 896’s trading results which showed consideration of $194,765,851 from 2,238,868 shares traded in 19 transactions.