Stabroek News

Gov’t to equip municipalities to facilitate transformation

President Irfaan Ali and the newly sworn in Deputy Mayors. Also in picture are Ministers of Local Government Nigel Dharamlall and Anand Persaud, and Gail Teixeira Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs.

President Irfaan Ali yesterday announced that the government will soon embark on consultations to bring modern legislation, regulations and buildings codes on stream to equip municipalities with the necessary tools to facilitate the country’s expected transformation.

He said that the challenges of tax collection, issues of outstanding audits, and councils making themselves viable will be addressed as they are all on his government agenda.

Ali, while pledging his government’s support towards the development of every municipality, noted that in order for them to achieve this, the government and councils must work hand in hand.

Sworn-in Mayors of the ten municipalities along with President Irfaan Ali, Ministers of Local Government Nigel Dharamlall and Anand Persaud and Gail Teixeira Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs

 “These are some of the things that Central Government will be working on with you. so that we can bring the laws and the regulations and the codes, up to speed with the changing dynamics that exists. And that will be a critical part of the work, moving forward,” Ali said as he addressed the newly elected and re-elected Mayors and Deputy Mayors following a swearing in ceremony at the Office of President.

He said while there will be assistance from central government, municipalities must align their development priorities with the country’s macroeconomic agenda.

According to Ali, his government is looking to introduce programmes that will see increased productivity, efficiency, reduction in the costs of doing business, employment creation, and enhanced livelihood and welfare of people all across the country.

“It is, therefore, imperative that we all not only embrace a common development trajectory but that we consult, that we talk and we share ideas to ensure at the end of the day, the people of Guyana get the best service that we can deliver to them,” the head of state said.

Ali also reminded the elected officials that they must serve the people and work in the interest of the people. 

Ten mayors and deputy mayors took their oaths of office yesterday before President Ali following internal elections at every municipality held between November and December last year.

The elected who took the Oath of Office yesterday are: Ubraj Narine and Alfred Mentor of as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Georgetown; Winifred Heywood and Wainwright McIntosh of New Amsterdam; Dave Budhu and Roydel Lewis of Rose Hall; Waneka Arrindell and Wainwright Bethune of Linden; Winston Roberts and Imran Amin of Corriverton; Rajendra Prabhulall and Lorna Fitzallen of Anna Regina; Chris Phang and Carolyn Robinson of Mabaruma; Gifford Marshall and Arita Embleton of Bartica;  David Adams and Juewayne Mendonca of Mahdia; and John Macedo and Debra King of Lethem.

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