Stabroek News

New Kurt Lee Soca single generates controversy

Curtly Lake

Essequibian artiste, Curtly ‘Kurt Lee’ Lake recently dropped his latest single “Wen A Dead”, which, despite its controversial lyrics, has garnered praise from fans.

In the song, Kurt Lee beseeches family and friends to celebrate his life when he is no more and not to mourn for him because he would have lived life the way he wanted. The video portrays him in lying a casket with a pastor preaching of him being in heaven and saying that he lived a God-fearing life. But Kurt Lee wishes not to be seen in that spiritual realm. Up to the time of writing, the video had more than 5,000 views, several hundred likes and almost 100 comments.

Kurt Lee told The Scene he was aware that the lyrics of the song would be controversial, particularly among the more conservative-minded, who still hold to mourning the dead. However, he pointed out that the norm of mourning at a funeral is changing and family and relatives are today celebrating their loved one’s lives instead of grieving over their passing. As such, he said, when that day comes for him, he would want his loved ones to join the festive trend in sending him off.

The song is of the Soca genre and the music is contagious; his fans are loving it. The single was recorded and produced at AJ Records.

In 2020, the singer/songwriter released five songs. This year, he said, he plans to put more of his music out there adding that he has bigger plans this year. In fact, the singer will be collaborating with an international artiste sometime this year but that is as much as he is willing to reveal for now. He explained that he is not yet ready to let the cat out of the bag.

“Wen A Dead” can be found at Kurt Lee on YouTube.

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