Two injured after biker collides with horse at Ogle

A motorcyclist is currently hospitalised for a fractured skull and internal bleeding after he collided with a stray horse on Saturday night.

At the time of the accident, the biker had a pillion rider who also suffered injuries and is also a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

As stated in a police report, the injured persons are twenty-seven-year-old Linden Mentis of South Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara and the pillion rider was twenty-year-old Esther Marks of South Better Hope, East Coast Demerara.

Enquiries revealed that about 10.45pm on Saturday, Mentis was proceeding east along the Ogle Railway Embankment when the horse ran into the motorcyclist’s path. It was said that the man tried to swerve to avoid hitting the animal but despite his effort, still collided with the rear of the horse resulting in both riders falling onto the road.

The two were picked up by public-spirited citizens and taken to the GPH where they were admitted.