Dear Editor,
If ever there was a greater relevance to the proverb “let sleeping dogs lie”, it can most readily be practised by Basil Williams, S.C, the discarded APNU-AFC Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs.
In his letter to Stabroek News of the 19th inst. his criticism, cloaked in the usual meretricious babble, is most risible, if not egregiously ironic. During his excruciating tenure, violations of justiciable constitutional provisions were judicially condemned. Article 13 which he identified, albeit not vacuous, is of tangential equivalence. For the record, court orders secured by yours truly were honoured in their breach, so much that in an unrelated case, one of his colleague cabinet members almost had the “jaws” of Lot 12 Camp Street snap shut against him, had it not been for the timely but ceremonial intervention of his president, again in open defiance of another court order!
History will not be kind to his cadre of cadillac bureaucrats whose bicycle performances were, the salutary ruination of modern democratic governance. His requital about his successor’s parliamentary efforts can only have been conceived by a chadbank, if ever the occupants of that prestigious office were to be considered in the court of public opinion.
Yours faithfully
Justice Charles R. Ramson S.C.O.R
Former Attorney General and
Minister of Legal Affairs