Stabroek News

Gov’t hands over $161.1m to North Pakaraima communities

Prime Minister Mark Phillips greeting children in Kato (DPI photo)

The government has  handed over $161.1 million to over a dozen North Pakaraima villages, according to the Department of Public Information (DPI).

Of the total, $152M will go towards an Investment Fund (COVID-19 Relief Grant) and $9.1M to Capital Grants and Assets.

The DPI release on Friday stated that the funds will be used for capital projects in the mountainous communities and for communities to begin the groundwork to benefit from fully equipped ICT hubs. Approximately $1M to $2M of the Investment Fund will be allotted to either construct a new building for an ICT hub or towards the renovation of an existing structure in each community. The remaining monies will be used to fund a project of the community’s choice or to assist with critical transportation needs.

The recent Auditor General’s report has raised questions about accountability for state funds handed out in this manner.

Monkey Mountain, Paramakatoi, Kato, Kopinang and Kurukubaru were used as central locations where Prime Minister Mark Phillips and Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai personally distributed the funds. During the distribution exercise, Phillips assured that there were several projects earmarked for Guyana’s Amerindian communities as Government aims to bridge the developmental gap between the coast and the Hinterland. He said that there is also a development plan in place that would benefit all Guyanese.

“It is a development plan that says to the people of Guyana that notwithstanding COVID-19 and its negative effects on our population, we still have to develop as a country, we still have to support our people in their community wherever they live and ensure that they also benefit from development in Guyana.” Phillips noted that the Hinterland would not be left out of the equation and that several projects are forthcoming. During their interactions with the communities the two officials took time to outline government’s impending development programmes.


Communities and the quantum of funds received are as according to the  DPI release: Investment Fund – Monkey Mountain $10M, Tuseneng Village $7M, Taruka Village $5M, Paramakatoi $15M, Mountain Foot/Bashvale $10M, Bamboo Creek Village $10M, Kato $10M, Red Creek $3M, Chiung Mouth Village $5M, Kopinang Village $10M, Maiwak CDC $3M, Kurukubaru $10M, Arsawa $3M, Kaibarupai $10M, Itabac Village $5M, Waipa Village $10M, Sand Hill $5M, Katch-Cow $3M, Kanapang $10M, Pennak $3M and Kamana $5M.

In terms of capital projects, two ATVs valued at $2M each were distributed to Pennak and Kurukubaru. Additionally, Sand Hill received $1.4M for the construction of a village benab (2020 Presidential Grant); Itabac collected $1.5M for the construction of a pavilion (Capital Project), Kanapang Village received $1M for the construction of an ICT hub (benefitted from previous grant) and Pennak was given a cheque valued at $1.2M for the construction of a village office.

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