Consultancy being invited on oil and gas legislation – AG

Guyana’s wait for updated petroleum legislation is likely to be extended even further as Attorney General Anil Nandlall SC yesterday announced that the crafting of a legislative agenda will be done through a consultancy now being advertised, even as offshore production continues and government boasts of the 14 multinational companies working here.

“Currently, there is an ad in the newspapers inviting tenders for a drafting consultancy by the Ministry of National Resources, to draft a compendium of oil and gas legislation as they are highly specialized and technical,” Nandlall told Stabroek News yesterday when asked for an update on critical petroleum legislation.

“These will include, of course, the local content legislation, the environmental legislation, petroleum production legislation, etcetera. This team will obviously receive the requisite policy directions from the government and will be working along with the Chief Parliamentary Counsel and his team on the project,” he added.