Dear Editor,
I have respect for Guyana’s laws and constitution, likewise all Guyanese should; but it is evident that our politicians/ parliamentarians, wealthy and influential groups can flout the laws and constitution with impunity. A few months ago, an ordinary citizen was charged for driving a motor car with false license plate PJJ-, was fined 1M dollars, and jailed for one year by the courts; a wealthy man was found likewise, was never charged and placed before the courts but paid the custom duty he was evading after the matter was exposed.
A Chinese businesswoman displayed in her store a sign “US currency accepted”, her store was searched; she was charged and fined $30,000 by the courts. Over forty (40) persons (foot cambios) can be seen daily around Water, America, and Longden streets, buying and selling foreign currency and gold, fully
knowledgeable to our parliamentarians, police, ministers of government, the Governor of the Bank of Guyana, and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce with impunity. Guyana is the only country in the Caribbean and South America openly displaying such an illegal activity.
A young police constable under cross examination in a criminal matter unwittingly changed his sworn testimony and was jailed for three months by the court (lying under oath). At present there are persons before the courts charged for receiving money under false pretense (Ponzi scheme etc.). In December 2018, it was exposed that several parliamentarians, who were also government ministers were dual citizens and as such were not eligible to be members of the National Assembly, but knowingly qualified themselves by dishonestly taking the sacred oath, swearing allegiance to the state of Guyana; obtain high office, highly paid salaries with various allowances etc. The action of these individuals are similar to the above mentioned, i.e. flouting the laws and constitution, lying under oath, and receiving money under false pretense with impunity.
In 2018, a minister of the government, was compelled to apologize to the Speaker of the National Assembly, members of parliament, and the nation for lying about drugs stored in a bond (bond gate). Well the Speaker demands an apology from those now in parliament who lied to the nation as mentioned above. The majority of Guyana’s population are under 35 years (my grands and great- grands) must have exemplars as leaders and not artificial models. They are the future and must be shown respect guided by truthful and sincere leadership. May the love of God dwell within us.
Gerald Schomburgh