Young poet making strides

Aurelia Sue-Ann
Aurelia Sue-Ann

On Tuesday, poet Aurelia Sue-Ann celebrated her thirteenth birthday, three years since she published her book, A Little Poet’s World.

Aurelia, an eighth grader at Marian Academy has been writing since she was seven years old. After A Little Poet’s World, Instagram and Facebook accounts were created for her and she has been sharing new poems and positive messages. Of the 1,400 followers on Facebook and the more than 700 on Instagram, many are adults who admire Aurelia’s gift.

The young writer is also known for her amazing art skills and has attracted quite a number of fans who have requested that her art be printed on canvas and t-shirts, an experience she has described as “exhilarating”.

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In February last year, Aurelia who is always ready for a new challenge, took up lessons on public speaking for several weeks where she was trained by public speaking coach, Toastmaster Anita Ramprasad.

Some months later, in August, she received a scholarship for Digital Innovation Summer Camp 2020 by Trinity Solutions, a programme focused on empowering the Guyana Digital Ecosystem with creative and innovative skills.

Two months had barely passed when in October-December 2020, Aurelia received a second scholarship, which this time was a joint initiative by the cognitive exchange in the United States and Voice Guyana. Their mandate is to bring skills for speech as well as a debate for children rural areas. Aurelia started off with the basics but has since moved on to more advanced sessions.

Aurelia also appeared in a video with five other girls as part of First Lady Arya Ali’s ‘International Day of the Girl Child’ 2020 project.

School is still virtual, which remains a priority for Aurelia. Like most children, she finds it challenging, but with her family’s support, she is coping and doing her best. Her goal for this year is to publish her second poetry book with a few of her doodles.

Aurelia can be followed on Instagram @aureliasaks or on Facebook @Aurelia SAKS.