Stabroek News

COVID-19 Task Force gives go-ahead for powerlifting competition

Flashback! A scene from last year’s Novices and Junior’s Championship

The return of strength athletes to the platform is imminent, according to the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation (GAPF) Public Relations Officer, Runita White.

White disclosed on Wednesday that the GAPF has received permission from the COVID-19 Task Force to host its first competition in more than a year.

When contacted by this publication, White stated that the Task Force green-lighted a meet to be hosted on April 25 from 08:00hrs. A venue is still pending and will be announced at a later date.

In a previous interview, White had stated that GAPF will stage a meet for Novices/Juniors and Qualifiers most likely at the St Stanislaus College auditorium.

The competition which will be live streamed, will be a virtual one and free of spectators as a means to help curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each team will only be allowed one coach and everyone present will be expected to wear a mask.

Weigh-in on competition day starts from 06:00hrs and concludes 90 minutes later. The registration form and monies can be submitted to Martin Webster or payment can be made to the Federation’s bank account. After depositing the money in the account, send images of both the registration form and deposit slip.

The banking information is as follows: Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited. Account Name: Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation. Account Number: 962356552194

In other territories where the sport has already made a successful return, organisers are following some of the general precautions below:

1. Bars plates, and collars are sanitised between each round (i.e., squats round 1, squats, round 2, etc.). This must be accomplished by spray-type disinfectant.

2. Warm-up equipment is sanitised between each session.

3. Hand sanitiser or portable hand washing stations are provided. One of these sanitising strategies must be used by the athlete prior to each attempt. Chalk may be applied after hand sanitizing.

4. Attempts will be given orally, rather than in writing and scoring staff will write them down in the presence of the athlete or coach. The athlete or coach may not touch or approach the scoring table and must keep a distance of no less than 6 feet.

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