Dear Editor,
Sherwood Lowe’s letter captioned `Information Act Section 13 (3) was never utilised’ in S.N. of the 11th April is noted, whatever his motivations. An adage of prudence asserts that one needs to heed the lessons of history to maximize the progress of the present, if not the future, where possible.
For the benefit of C’de Lowe and our pivotal stakeholders I remind them to read my discourses particularly “Access to Information- An experiment with incipient Transparency” in my second Book “A Portrait in Justice, Liberty and Equality.” (pp-147-162). S. 13 and others integral to the policy and purpose of the Access to Information Act 2011 as expatiated, ought to eliminate any apprehensions purportedly unearthed by him.
Since 2017, the APNU+AFC cabal, through the now Opposition Leader, began its illicit design to minimize the Public’s access to information, culminating in the termination of my services in March 2018, subsequently declared by our Supreme Court to be unlawful, null and void. Three other Court Actions were successful against the designated Minister of Information and Attorney- General at my instance.
Payment of salary, allowances, etc, have been due to me since April, 2019 when the Office of the President, apart from my dislocation therefrom, ceased all allocations to my agreed pro-tem Office, notwithstanding an Order from the Chief Justice (ag) Her Honour, Roxane George-Wiltshire that the then delinquent Prime Minister comply with S. 5 of the 2011 Act. The electorate, by way of poetic justice, has since caused the then residents to be dislodged from that very Compound. To the credit of the incumbent Administration, part payment pursuant to 3 Orders of Court has been made but the Order of the Chief Justice (ag) is yet to be addressed. Several letters to the State Officials responsible for providing budgetary resources for the efficient functioning of my Office have so far not met with any amelioration exercises.
For those who are not intellectually impaired it will be acknowledged that if you provide a worker with lemons you should not expect a tonic other than lemonade; no amount of propaganda will change this basic reality, whatever therein is expounded.
Yours faithfully,
Commissioner of Information