Steven Ramphal creates magic with his camera

A pregnancy photo shoot
A pregnancy photo shoot

For some time now, photos with the SR Photography watermark have been blowing up social media, but not many people are aware that the S and R stand for Steven Ramphal, the singer/songwriter who was the 2019 Chutney Monarch.

It all began in 2017. Steven shared that his wife was interested in photography and already had a camera which she was not using much, so he picked it up one day and started shooting little things here and there as well as portraits of his family. The portraits made it to Facebook and people began asking him to take photos of them. It was at this point that he decided he could turn his hobby into a profession.

Steven said it took about two years to hone his photography skills before he was satisfied with his work.

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A turning point in his career was when he ran into his inspiration, renowned photographer Saajid Husani one day in Georgetown. It was Saajid who guided him into being the photographer he is today, Steven said. He recalled that Saajid had inquired what kind of camera he was using and had explained that it was not the camera, but the person behind the camera.

“He gave me his number and one day he hit me up and told me he was free. He took my memory card with my work and edited one of my photos and when he finished it looked just like one of his. I was surprised and said to myself, if he could do it, I could do it too,” Steven said.

Nevertheless, these photographers’ works are markedly different. Neither looks like the other, and each is distinguishable without their watermark.

“I used his editing technique but created my own look,” explained Steven.

Later, the two photographers worked together on a wedding with Saajid doing the photography and Steven the videography. Saajid commended Steven on his work and encouraged him to put value on his work. However, he explained to The Scene that he was gearing his services to cater for everyone.

SR Photography is well known here and in the North American diaspora. His business, Steven said, has grown so much that he no longer seeks clients, they come looking for him.

SR Photography also does music videos including for artistes living abroad. While Steven is not there to shoot the video, he guides them on how to shoot it, on how many shots, the location, and how to position the camera. After they are done shooting the video, they send it to Steven who takes care of the editing of it.

No one should doubt Steven’s skill when it comes to directing if they have seen the video of his hit song “Never Leave You” which was released in January. The video is of high standard and while it was shot by another talented videographer, Keon Hector, the video was directed by Steven. Earlier this week he worked on a music video as well as a commercial for a hotel, while next week he is booked for several photoshoots.

Asked whether he was affected by the pandemic, Steven said only to the point where his large photoshoots had to be made smaller, but nothing too significant. He was impacted in his music career though, which was a blow for Steven who misses being on stage performing and getting to tour in Guyana and abroad.

At present the photographer is working towards owning his own studio. He also plans to do more newborn photography. He and his wife Allana began dabbling in newborn photography earlier this year. The studio he has in mind will be big enough to carry a newborn section with ¾ background setups for parents to choose from. Allana, he said, does many of the photoshoots, which he edits. He said his wife prefers to work behind the scenes.

Steven said he also hopes to incorporate a green screen room which will cater for commercials and product photography, where 3D technology is used. Steven explained that 3D technology is where three cameras are used but when infused together, they create a three dimension. Using an example, the videographer explained that he could have someone on an exercise bike in his green room but with 3D technology, he could make it look as if that person were riding in the park. This studio would be the first of its kind in Guyana. Asked whether he was worried about his idea being stolen having shared it with this publication, the photographer said it was just too much work for anybody to want to steal.

How does Steven, who is also a father do it all? He shared that he spends most of his days dealing with photography/videography and works on his music late at night or on the weekend. Despite his busy schedule, Steven said, work does not cut into family time.

In order for this to remain so, Steven requires wedding clients to book up to a year or at least six months in advance. Meanwhile, for regular photoshoots they should book a month or two in advance.

As it relates to delivery, videography done by SR Photography has a three-day delivery time while a photoshoot only takes a day. Delivery of work for weddings is done within three or four days. Other photographers interviewed by The Scene have said it usually takes a week or more to deliver photos. Asked how SR Photography is capable of doing so in a shorter time, Steven said his editing system is set up in such a way that it is not a slow process, and he can multitask.

“My satisfaction comes every time when my clients arrive to uplift their photos. Seeing their reactions, that encourages me to want to do my best. We’ve had some brides and grooms skeptical about taking us on and in the end they cried because they are overjoyed. …We try to capture those authentic moments,” shared Steven.

The photographer can be reached via Facebook at SR Photography, or Instagram @SRPhotographyGY. Via telephone, it is 618-8820. Currently Steven is working on a business website slated to be operational by the end of this year.